Heart Sutrathon on International Sangha Day!
Dear Friends,
This year, the International Mahayana Institute (IMI), the FPMT organization for monks and nuns will organize a prayer marathon reciting the Heart Sutra for 24 hours on July 24th. It is a service to all individual FPMT students, Dharma centres and friends to engage in a common worldwide Dharma activity. It will be live streamed on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChenrezigInstituteAustralia
The YouTube live streaming will be shared by many FPMT monasteries, nunneries and Dharma centres on their Facebooks and Instagrams.
Each hour a monk or nun will recite the Heart Sutra, while another nun or monk will be the facilitator during that hour. Simultaneously, all students of FPMT centres and viewers worldwide can watch the live streaming on YouTube and recite the Heart Sutra. During some hours there will be recitations in Spanish, French and Italian as well. Each hour, there will be an opportunity to ask the Sangha questions.
The idea is that we accumulate the number of recitations and offer it to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Please send an email to Drolkar ([email protected]) with the number of people and number of recitations.
The sutra is short, it will be easy to follow, and can be downloaded (English, Catalan, Spanish, Chinese): https://fpmt.org/education/teachings/sutras/heart-sutra/
Links to the Italian and French can be found on the YouTube channel.
You are welcome to direct your questions about the event to Ven Tendar, director of the IMI, [email protected]
We look forward to a wonderfully beneficial International Sangha Day!
We hope you can join us!
Big Love,
Tendar, IMI director
Please consider helping to support the International Mahayana Institute.
The IMI is affiiated with the Foudation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT)
Copyright © 2020 International Mahayana Institute (IMI) | Rouzegas, Labastide St. Georges 81500, France | www.imisangha.org