Buddhist Psychology
with Karuna Cayton
Sunday, Dec 8: 10:30am-12pm
When looking at Buddhist teachings, a surprising fact a newcomer may notice is that Buddhism resembles a system of psychology more than a religion. This morning Karuna will share a clear understanding of the link between psychology and happiness. He will share his thoughts on where present day modern psychology still falls short on providing a complete path to mental health and how Buddhist psychology, with over 2600 years of application, provides this complete path. An interactive dialogue with Karuna and participants is encouraged. Please bring your questions.
This is part of our Taste of Buddhism program. Join us for a short talk, meditation, and taste treats on Sunday mornings. Each week features a new topic. Open to all levels.
This is part of our Taste of Buddhism program. Join us for a short talk, meditation, and taste treats on Sunday mornings. Each week features a new topic. Open to all levels.
Karuna Cayton is a psychotherapist, an executive advisor and a coach. He uses modern psychology and secular principles of Buddhist psychology using simple, everyday language. He has been a student of Buddhism for over forty years. Karuna is the author of The Misleading Mind: "How We Create Our Own Problems and How Buddhist Psychology Can Help Us Solve Them.
Suggested Donation is $20 at the door. Your generous donations are essential for the continuation of programs like this. Nobody is turned away for lack of funds.